ArchiveFive crucial lessons for the world and Ukraine

Five crucial lessons for the world and Ukraine

2023-11-04 14:22:56
A roundtable conference titled "Russian-Ukrainian War. Lessons for Europe and the World" took place at the Academic Council of the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University on November 3. It was organized by the Universal Peace Federation (UPF) of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Peace Council. The round table brought together scientists, educators, cultural figures, diplomats, representatives of Ukrainian NGOs, as well as members of the UPF delegation from France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the... read more



2023-10-29 17:25:30
UKRAINIAN PEACE COUNCIL STATEMENT   The Ukrainian Peace Council (UPC), in alignment with its program principles, gives its full endorsement for the Ukrainian Peace Formula, proposed by the President of Ukraine and proclaimed at the UN General Assembly 77th session in September 2022.   The UPC has consistently communicated the promotion and support for this initiative to the international community.   The UPC highlights the significant progress in global support for the... read more

ArchiveUkrainian Mission of Ihor Vitenko donates ambulances to save our defenders

Ukrainian Mission of Ihor Vitenko donates ambulances to save our defenders

2023-10-27 14:58:08
Five ambulances will help save the lives and health of our soldiers. The transfer of the vehicles to the Armed Forces of Ukraine is another effort within the framework of the social project called "Ukrainian Mission of Ihor Vitenko", involving the Belgian volunteer community led by Count Renaud de Kerchove. Organizational support was provided by the NGO Environmental Safety Council and the Ukrainian Peace Council. The ceremony took place at the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute (KPI), on the square near... read more

ArchiveUnited Nations Day!

United Nations Day!

2023-10-24 08:49:57
    Dear Colleagues and Friends, The Ukrainian Peace Council congratulates our compatriots and all people of good will on the occasion of the United Nations Day! This day marks the anniversary of the formation of a global coalition of independent states that, after the end of World War II, united under the idea of preserving and strengthening world peace and international security, as well as developing cooperation among nations. Consequently, our entire planet became the... read more

ArchiveECOSOC. United Nations Economic and Social Council PROVISIONAL AGENDA for 2024 session (27 July 2023–24 July 2024)

ECOSOC. United Nations Economic and Social Council PROVISIONAL AGENDA for 2024 session (27 July 2023–24 July 2024)   1. Election of the Bureau.   2. Adoption of the agenda and other organizational matters.   3. Basic programme of work of the Council.   4. Elections, nominations, confirmations and appointments.   5. High-level segment on reinforcing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and eradicating poverty in times of multiple crises: the effective... read more

ArchiveList of the UN International Days and Weeks

List of the UN International Days and Weeks View calendar by month January World Braille Day (A/RES/73/161) 04 Jan International Day of Education (A/RES/73/25) 24 Jan International Day of Clean Energy (A/RES/77/327) 26 Jan International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust (A/RES/60/7) 27 Jan February World Interfaith Harmony Week, 1-7 February (A/RES/65/5) 01 Feb World Wetlands Day (A/RES/75/317) 02 Feb International Day of Human Fraternity (A/RES/75/200) 04... read more

ArchiveNowadays humanity must act in full solidarity to save lives - President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's speech during the General Debate of the UN General Assembly 19 September 2023

Nowadays humanity must act in full solidarity to save lives -  President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's speech during the General Debate of the UN General Assembly 19 September 2023

2023-09-21 10:57:52
  Nowadays humanity must act in full solidarity to save lives - President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's speech during the General Debate of the UN General Assembly 19 September 2023   Thank you very much! I welcome all who stand for common efforts!  And I promise – being really united we can guarantee fair peace for all nations. What’s more, unity can prevent wars.   Ladies and gentlemen! Mr. Secretary General! Fellow leaders!   This hall saw many... read more
